A parcel travels along a conveyer belt at Amazon's new distribution center in Brieselang, near Berlin November 28, 2013.
/Tobias Schwarz
Amazon.com Inc launched its one-hour order delivery service, Prime Now, for some areas of London on Tuesday, about six months after introducing the service in the United States.Amazon Prime members can have orders worth 20 pounds ($31.43) or more delivered in one hour for a fee of 6.99 pounds, the company said on its UK website on Tuesday. Two-hour to same-day window deliveries will be free, Amazon said. The service will be available for orders placed between 8 a.m. and midnight, Amazon said. Amazon Prime is a paid service that offers members free delivery and access to a huge catalog of films, music, books and video. Amazon launched Prime Now in parts of New York in December and expanded the service to other cities including Baltimore and Miami. (Reporting by
Abhirup Roy in Bengaluru; Editing by Kirti Pandey)
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